TrafficJunky: Affiliate Marketing in an Expanding Industry


This overview of TrafficJunky looks at the benefits it offers, and what approach should be used to ensure that those looking to advertise are getting the best return.

trafficjunky advertising

The Background of TrafficJunky

TrafficJunky was first conceived back in 2008, and the Canadian company has been making waves in the advertising sector ever since.

As well as having several years’ experience in media buying, TrafficJunky is owned by the MindGeek media empire, which itself in ownership of several online platforms that all enjoy masses of traffic every day..

How Much Does TrafficJunky Cost?

TrafficJunky uses a CPM bidding business model, so users will pay for media based on CPM. So, for every 1,000 views, the advertiser will be charged.

How much the advertiser pays will depend on the site and spot as well as the campaign settings themselves.

As TrafficJunky works with banners, it can be worthwhile to look over the rules surrounding each zone of the platform.

It’s also important to ensure that there the right considerations are being made when it comes to creating banners.

For example, those looking to target the Header and Mobile Embed zones will need to upload a banner that measure of 305 x 99.

If an advertiser was only to use a 300 x 250 banner will only be able to target the Footer spots. Although this may be ideal for some, it’s important that the right research is carried out before launching any form of campaign.

What Does TrafficJunky Offer?

Advertised looking to promote their brand or product can make use of the many variables available to ensure that their ad is placed on the right site primed for interaction.

Those that operate blogs or website that enjoy regular traffic can become what TrafficJunky a ‘Run of Network’ also referred to as ‘RON.’

This is essentially the network advertisers will be using to run their ads and allows for a broader reach which can be used for more unique and obscure items and services.

Registering as a publisher simply requires the user to complete some details, including the domain name of the website they will be using to host ads.

Using TrafficJunky as an Advertiser

When starting to create an advertisement, users will be met with two options which are as follows:

• Regular Campaign

• Marijuana Campaign

Although the inclusion of a Marijuana Campaign may seem strange to some, it’s actually a viable option given the boom of the industry in some US states.

This allows users to craft a campaign that’s exclusively designed to promote medicinal cannabis and other variations where demographics allow for it.

For the most part, many will be choosing the ‘Regular Campaign.’

When creating an ad, users will be met with the following variable to help tailor their ad in the right way:

Targeting Traffic with TrafficJunky

The TrafficJunky website is

• Device Type: (Tablet, Mobile and Desktop)
Target Group: (Hetero, Gay and Trans)
• Choice of Vertical: (Dating, Entertainment and Webcams)
• Daily Budget
• Dayparting Options
• Banner Optimisation
• Keyword Filtering

Those who are experienced with media buying will find that there can be some limitations when it comes to targeting the traffic users are looking for as TrafficJunky employs the use of ISP lists as opposed to choosing from a list of carriers.

Although this may be problematic for some, those using TrafficJunky for advertising can check on the campaign at a later date to ascertain what ISPs are providing the best traffic.

It’s a bold statement to state that TrafficJunky is for everyone, but those looking to find traffic from reputable sources could do a lot worse than try out the TrafficJunky platform.

If this is your first time using TrafficJunky then fear not. The website is not only easy to use, but also has several forms of online support to ensure that your next campaign is created without a hitch.

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