What are the Trends to Look for in Affiliate Marketing 2018?


Affiliate marketing can change massively from year to year.

While there are some things that stay the same, the way in which marketers reach out to potential customers differs and the market evolves and branches out into new methods, techniques and areas.

One of the more impressive affiliate marketing statistics is that the sector is expected to grow to nearly $7 billion by 2021. This is a huge amount and it is big enough that everyone can get a small (or big) piece of the market to carve out a living.

To do this you need to keep on top of the trends and the different methods that are being used. We are going to show you 4 affiliate marketing trends that you need to look out for in 2018.

Affiliate marketing trends

Keep focusing on mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is huge and more people are now accessing websites and buying products and services online with a mobile device than they are with a desktop.

This trend isn’t expected to stop anytime soon and in fact, it is going to keep getting bigger as desktop PCs and laptops are being used less and less. If you want to be successful in the affiliate marketing industry then you have to focus on mobile users. This means responsive designs for websites and landing pages as well as easy payment methods when using mobile or tablet computers. To be a top affiliate marketer then mobile marketing is key to your success.

Marketing Verticals in 2018

They are already big markets and many new affiliate programs are focusing on these areas however you will see them get even bigger this year and beyond.

You should also keep an eye on country-specific verticals as many niches differ in popularity between regions. One niche might be highly profitable in one area but hardly makes any money in another country so this is something to keep in mind going forward.

Utility apps and cryptocurrency are also among the markets that are expected to grow even bigger in over the course of the next year.

Influencers are still important

Having someone promote your affiliate products and services that have a lot of clout in one (or maybe more) market means that you will have a far higher chance of making conversions and sales.

Being a top affiliate marketer also means being an influencer who can influence other people to make a purchase. The affiliate marketing industry has numerous influences and reaching out to them to promote products is a trend that isn’t going to go away in 2018. In fact, it has been around for a while and many marketers have made a lot of money from utilizing influencers in the right way.

This trend is going to continue and prosper this year and into the next.

Tracking consumers over several devices

As we have already said, more people are now using mobile devices to buy products and services however there multiple devices now being utilized to buy affiliate products.

This is why cross-tracking is so important now just in 2018 but for the future as well. Affiliate marketers need to be able to track their consumers across multiple devices to see if their behavior is consistent throughout and to keep track of what works and what doesn’t. It sounds simple but it is one of those approaches that aren’t always followed and it means that marketing strategies are not as successful as they should be.

Affiliate marketing trends in 2018

The 4 affiliate marketing trends for 2018 aren’t the only things that you should be looking out for this year. There are a ton of other trends that you should keep an eye on to ensure that you not only become a top affiliate marketer but that you stay there too.

Many affiliate marketers don’t keep on top of the latest industry trends and this is how they fall by the wayside. By not educating yourself on what other affiliate marketers are doing and what is expected to be the big areas to focus on in the coming year then you won’t have as much success as other people in the industry.

By focusing on mobile marketing, following new verticals, tracking consumers across multiple devices and reaching out to influencers in your niche then you can expand your reach and market to new consumers.

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