What You Need to Know about Affiliate Marketing on Twitter


Affiliate marketing can provide a way in which you earn a sizable amount of money online.

While there are a ton of methods you can use to get your offers and links out there, social media is what our focus is on today.

In fact, Twitter is what we are going to look at. By the end of this article you’ll know:

● Why Twitter is useful for affiliate marketing
● 5 strategies you can use to make Twitter effective for you
● The future of Twitter and affiliate marketing

Let’s get right into it.

Affiliate marketing on Twitter Guide

How big is Twitter?

The microblogging platform has been around for over a decade now and it has a large number of active users.

It has 166 million daily users that are monetizable which means they see ads and are active on the social media platform. A sizable proportion of its demographic is in the 18-49 age group which means they are more likely to make purchases online.

Even though Twitter is often used for things such as breaking news, ad engagement has risen by 23% by the end of 2019 and video ads are particularly effective.

So, now that you have a general idea of the potential that Twitter brings, how can you go about using it for affiliate marketing?

5 things you can do to boost your Twitter marketing

You can’t just create a quick twitter profile and start sending on tweets with your offers – people will see this for what it is – spam.

Instead, building up a following takes time but these are 5 methods that you can do to boost your Twitter marketing campaign.

#1 Get your profile right

First things first – you need to get your profile correct.

It is crazy the amount of people who don’t set up their profile correctly especially when they are trying to sell something. Make sure your Twitter handle aligns as close as possible to your brand and also get your bio right. You only have 160 characters for your bio so it is important to be concise.

If you have a website make sure that is linked (there is a specific section for that) and also ensure your profile matches the type of affiliate marketing venture you are in. If it is serious keep it formal, if it is lighthearted then you have more room for humour and creativity.

#2 Tweet often

There is definitely a fine line with this. No-one is going to be too interested in an account that tweets once a week as it’ll probably get lost in the sea of other tweets they view on their timeline. Similarly, no-one wants to see your endless tweets clog up their timeline day in and day out.

So it is important to get a balance.

It is a good idea to schedule your posts as well. This means you can plan in advance and get your content out a week or even more ahead. There are several platforms that can help you do this such as:

● Sprout Social
● CoSchedule
● Feedly
● Tweetdeck

#3 Engage with people

Alongside Twitter ads, this is perhaps the main thing that gets your brand noticed and helps people to decide whether to click on your offers.

Engagement is more than just starting or joining in conversations on Twitter. Use hashtags to help people find your tweets and it can be a good idea to run promotional campaigns for Twitter users. If people think they are getting a good offer because they are referred via Twitter to your affiliate products and services they’ll be more likely to make a purchase.

Twitter accounts that don’t engage with other, real-life people generally don’t last very long nor do they boost their follower count either.

#4 Use Twitter ads

Like any platforms, ads represent a powerful way in which you can get your message out to the right people quickly.

Twitter ads are a great method in which you can generate sales for your affiliate business. As a result of the powerful targeting options at your disposal, you don’t have to sit around and hope someone that is likely to turn into a customer comes across your tweet – ads will display it to them.

While it isn’t free, the ads on Twitter can prove to be a positive ROI and a way of rustling up sales that you otherwise wouldn’t have got.

#5 Dive into Twitter analytics

Lastly, we have Twitter analytics.

Any marketing campaign has to have a method in which you can see what is working and what isn’t. With Twitter analytics you can find out a lot of information about your tweets from how many impressions it had, the engagement rate and so on.

With this information, you’ll be able to see what kind of tweets performed the best, what hashtags worked well and how many people engaged with and clicked on your links.

Affiliate marketing on Twitter

Twitter is a social media platform that often isn’t used properly for affiliate marketing.

Remember that number of 166 million users above that can be monetized? Well, that is an increase from the previous quarter and its user base is predicted to rise again throughout 2020.

Twitter isn’t going away anytime soon and it is recommended that you look into how you can use this platform to gain more leads and conversions for your affiliate offers.

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