Making Money from Mobile Gaming: How Can Game Developers Make a Return?


The humble beginning of the app began in 1997 when the Nokia 6110 was bundled with popular game ‘Snake.’ Since then, the rise of the iPhone saw apps becoming commonplace by 2008, with apps such as ‘Tap Tap Revenge’ and ‘Shazam’ finding popularity on the App Store.

Google offers a similar infrastructure to the iOS platform based on the Linux platform known as Android, which has also grown from humble beginnings.

Mobile gaming has been a massive draw for both the App Store and Play Store, with recent additions including the popular ‘Minecraft’ and ‘Roblox’ which both offer online gaming with those using other platforms.

The popularity of apps has meant that those who develop gaming apps can make some healthy returns from their efforts, but where is the mobile gaming industry heading?

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The Future of Mobile Gaming

The very first gaming apps could be described as primitive, but as smartphones have become more sophisticated, so too have the apps being released. As such, the mobile gaming industry has become a force to be reckoned with.

The mobile gaming industry itself is expected to be worth more than $100 billion by 2021, with in-game advertising expected to top $3 billion. This shows that mobile gaming ads are still big business, but what options are available when it comes to making money from gaming apps?

Cost-Per-Install (CPI)

Cost-per-install is when a person pays to download an app. Given the number of free apps available, it’s important that the app can offer something appealing that makes it a worthwhile investment.

Those looking to promote how beneficial their app is could consider the use of ads which can be removed once an app has been paid for, or a free trial that allows users to try out the app before making a commitment.

If you’ve got a concept that stands out from the crowd and proves to be addictive, then a CPI business model may be worthwhile considering, but it’s important to ensure that the research is carried out beforehand.

Ad Revenue

A free app can be easier to market, but this doesn’t mean it’s easy. However, when an app becomes popular, online marketers can easily monetise apps via the ad revenue. Some of the options available are as follows.

• CPM – Cost Per Thousand Impressions
• CPC – Cost Per Click
• CPA – Cost Per Action

The preferable flow is CPM, as there is no interaction required, although exploring the other options could yield a healthier return.

In most instances, those looking to monetise their gaming apps will use a specialised platform. Those monetising their gaming apps for the first time may want to try Google AdMob, which allows for easy monetisation of gaming apps.

As developers become more knowledgeable with ad networks, they will be able to find ad placements that offer better returns, meaning that they’re able to align their advertising model with the audience downloading the app.

In-App Purchases

Those that enjoy gaming can be divided as to whether in-app purchases hinder the experience, but they continue to big business in many mobile games.

When offering in-app purchases, it’s important to ensure that a polished product is being used. Simply trying to monetise a simple game could mean that the user simply downloads a free alternative, so in-app purchases can require some outside-the-box thinking.

It’s also important to ensure that the in-app purchases available offer value for money. An example of successful in-app purchase are song packs for rhythm games, and upgrades to weapons in Battle Royale titles.

Other Factors to Consider with Mobile Gaming

Although there are opportunities to make money with gaming apps, there will also be a need to carry out some promotion so that the app can be found by the right people.

There are other methods that can be used, such as the use of the right keywords and social media share, but it’s likely that mobile game developers will need some form of marketing to ensure that people are downloading their app.

Fortunately, there are several platforms available that allow mobile game developers to get their app in front of the right people.

The avenues chose for promoting a mobile game can depend on the genre, but many have found that they’re able to gain downloads easier by making use of social platforms such as TikTok to raise awareness.

Many assume that they must spend a small fortune when it comes to developing a video game app, but there are plenty of options available, even for those that don’t have any coding experience. Although it could take some time to find popularity, once the right audience has been found, there should be little reason as to why mobile game developers can’t make a return on their hard work.

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