What is ROI in Marketing?


Any professional marketer will be familiar with the concept of marketing by default, but not everyone will be aware of marketing ROI.

A marketing return on investment is the final figure available to the business once marketing costs have been subtracted.

Although not every marketing campaign will run seamlessly, those that seem to be spending a lot on marketing and not making the profit they expect could do well to take some time out to ensure they know how much is profit is being made with a campaign, therefore ascertaining as to whether changes are needed.

what is roi in marketing definition calculation

Making a Return on Investment Calculation

The nature of the business being operated can affect how a return on investment calculation is made.

Those running short making campaigns for season products may only want to measure the marketing ROI daily, while those selling services and products throughout the year may want to extend their calculations over a 12-month period.

A marketing return on investment is simply the sales made minus the marketing costs, but here are other aspects that can be added to the formula to better suit the requirements of a business or a professional.

Other Factors to Consider When Making a Return on Investment Calculation

As well as calculating the marketing costs, there will be times when other factors need to be considered.

For example, some may want to record the gross incomes received after subtracting the marketing costs, whereas some may want to ensure that deductions are also made to obtain a net figure.

The marketing efforts being used can also ascertain as to what length of time a return on marketing investment calculation needs to be monitored.

Whereas some marketing strategies, such as PPC and social media advertising, can bring in a sudden influx of customers, other marketing strategies such as video and SEO could convert customers over the long term.

This means that focusing on some marketing strategies in the short term could give the impression that a loss is being made, although this won’t always be the case.

It’s also important to ensure that all costs are recorded, and not just those of the campaign itself. For example, has the business must enlist the services of freelancers or third parties to put the campaign together?

Those making a return on investment calculation for the first time can find the concept a little overwhelming but becoming used to documenting different aspects of the marketing campaign ensure that the business sees the benefits of their marketing sooner rather than later.

Challenges That Can Arise When Making ROI Calculations

Although the concept of a marketing ROI calculation can seem like a simple one, there are factors that can arise that mean that there are challenges that can arise.

For example, there are just times when marketing efforts fail to have the desired effect, and while this can be disheartening, knowing that funnel of marketing isn’t working ensures that a loss associated is minimized instantly.

Although a restructuring may be needed, it’s a challenge that can yield positives in the future.

There can also be times when marketing efforts are fruitful to start with but begin to change as the marketing sector evolves. Again, recognising this can mean that although a loss could be experienced, it is less detrimental than had a failing marketing funnel not been recognised.

What Is Considered a Good Marketing Return on Investment?

Different companies can have different goals in place when it comes to a good marketing ROI, but the general rule of thumb is that any marketing efforts made should be able to yield five times the amount that was spent on marketing.

There can be instances when its slightly lower, as well as times when it’s significantly higher. However, it’s important to ensure that the marketing strategies being carried are deemed worthwhile in relation to budget as well as working hours.

Approaching Marketing ROI in the Right Way

Those new to the world of marketing ROI can find that there is a learning curve, but the bottom line is about ascertaining how much return can be made with various marketing efforts and ensuring that the results are being recorded over the correct time period.

Online marketing can yield rewards, but the competitive nature of the industry means that the financials must be reviewed intensely to be able to increase the profits of each campaign.

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